Enrich young minds and lives
News & Events

We are having an open day on Saturday 20/05/23 for new prospective families who are looking to join us at our setting from September 2023. This is being held by appointment only and we are allocating timeslots to families, therefore, if you are interested in attending please email or call us to check availability remaining and we will arrange a time slot for you.

Open Day on 05/11/22
Due to the popularity of offering open days on a Saturday for new prospective families, we have added yet another date Saturday 05/11/22. Again this is being held by appointment only and we are allocating timeslots to families, therefore, if you are interested in attending please email or call us to check availability remaining and we will arrange a time slot for you.

Open Day on 03/09/22
Due to the popularity of offering an open day for new prospective families on Saturday 09/07/22, we have added another date to hold an open day on Saturday 03/09/22. Again this is being held by appointment only and we are allocating timeslots to families, therefore, if you are interested in attending please email or call us to check availability remaining and we will arrange a time slot for you.

Open Day on 09/07/22
Due to the popularity of offering an open day for new prospective families on Saturday 11/06/22, we have added another date to hold an open day on Saturday 09/07/22. Again this is being held by appointment only and we are allocating timeslots to families, therefore, if you are interested in attending please email or call us to check availability remaining and we will arrange a time slot for you.

Open Day on 11/06/22
We are having an open day on Saturday 11/06/22 for new prospective families who are looking to join us at our setting between now and September 2022. This is being held by appointment only and we are allocating timeslots to families, therefore, if you are interested in attending please email or call us to check availability remaining and we will arrange a time slot for you.

Photo Day
It's Photo day on Tuesday 12th October 2021.
Your children will be given the opportunity to have their photo taken and this will be organised by our staff on the day, however, if you do not wish to have their photo taken please email to let us know.
If your child does not attend on Tuesday's and you would like to have their photo taken please email us to book you a time slot. Please note these will be booked in consecutive order from 12pm onwards.

World Book Day - In Preschool
23/02/2021 and 24/02/2021
This month in Preschool we have been having lots of fun learning all about short stories and rhymes, we focused on three stories in particular "The Three Little Pigs", "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" and "Jack and the Beanstalk". The children have been:
*Story sequencing,
*Banging out syllables,
*Growing beans,
*Playing silly soup,
*Investigating size,
*Making porridge,
*Learning new songs,
*Engaging in sensory stories,
*Making up their own stories,
*Reading variations of the traditional stories i.e. "Goldilocks and Just One Bear", "The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bag Pig" and "Jack and the Jellybean Stalk" etc.
On Tuesday 23/02/2021 and Wednesday 24/02/2021, which happens to be a week before world book day, the children are coming in dressed up as their favourite book characters to finish our topic off on a high note.

Update - COVID Announcement
Nursery will be open to ALL children as normal today.
We will seek further clarification as to any changes in relation to nursery settings following the newly introduced lockdown and will be in touch with these via email in due course.
Please may we reassure you that we continue to put the safety of your children, your families and our staff at the heart of what we do and apologise for any confusion or inconvenience caused whilst trying to navigate the changes to guidance during these unprecedented times and appreciate your continued understanding and support.

COVID Announcement
Following Boris Johnson's announcement this evening, please may I ask you to only send your child to nursery tomorrow Tuesday 5th January 2021 if you believe yourself to be an eligible critical worker or if your child is a vulnerable learner. Full guidance on eligibility criteria has not yet been published, but I will email this to you as soon as it becomes available.
During this uncertain time if you have the opportunity to keep your child at home with you or you are not a critical worker, please do not send your child to nursery tomorrow.
Please rest assured I will endeavour to keep you informed and updated as to any further changes and/or clarifications to the government guidance as they occur via email.

#YMCAsuperheroparty Today!
Today is the day #YMCAsuperheroparty, the first video is of our "Little Treasures" starring in the "Superman" song, the second is the Nursery and Preschool staff from across the YMCA Worcestershire taking part in "I need a hero", the third is of our Nicki from Preschool reading the story "Superkid", let’s celebrate our little heroes and each other!
We hope you all have a lovely day and can join in the celebrations and don’t forget to share any photos, videos or activities that you are doing today.
We are so proud of our children and cannot wait to see you back at nursery and Preschool once it's safe to do so.

Parent Update
Thank you to those of you who have sent photos or videos for the #YMCAsuperheroparty day on Monday 11th May, these will be shared with you all via tapestry and our Facebook page throughout the day on Monday. If you want to send photos on Monday we will do our best to share them.
The guidance for children accessing nursery places is currently unchanged meaning we can currently only care for children of key workers. If your work circumstances change and you believe you are a key worker and require a place please email me ASAP to discuss your requirements.
Should current guidance for accessing nursery places change, I will keep you updated and let you know who can access a place. We will also share any amendments to our social distancing procedures and any other relevant information.
I hope you all enjoy VE day celebrations tomorrow, Little Treasures will be closed, so we will all be celebrating at home and look forward to sharing our #YMCAsuperheroparty with you when we return on Monday.
Stay safe

COVID-19 Parent Update
A quick reminder to send the following to
laura.salmon@ymcaworcestershire.org.uk if you want us to include your child and their nominations in our #YMCAsuperheroparty.
a photo of your children dressed as a superhero
a video or photo with a sign of your children saying what superpower they would like
nominations for a key person shout out
Remember to check Tapestry or our Facebook page on 11th May for posts throughout the day.
Here is a link for BBC bitesize which has an early year's resource page https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zks4kmn there are lots of links to characters the children know well to help them engage.
Sarah (aka. "The music lady") who usually attends the nursery to do shake rattle and groove music sessions has set up her own youtube videos which she will post sessions on each week, the link is: https://youtu.be/xLPsoT2Sd5I
I am sure the children will enjoy accessing this.
Stay Safe

On Monday 11th May we are having a #YMCAsuperheroparty to celebrate all the key worker heroes but also our children who are the biggest heroes out of all of us!
We have got lots of fun things planned...
Superhero bingo
Superhero treasure hunt
Superhero story video
Superhero yoga
These will be done by video uploads and shared onto our Tapestry and Facebook pages for you all to see and get involved in. A link to our new Facebook page can be found at the bottom of each page on this website in the footer bar by clicking on the "find us on Facebook" Logo.
To ensure we can all get involved we are asking you to join us by:
1) Nominating a key worker whom you think deserves a shout out for the amazing things they have done during these challenging times.
2) Videoing your children telling us what their superpower is (or their families can tell us if they are younger) if videoing isn’t for you, a photo or you could get creative and make us a picture to show us your superpower!
3) Dressing up as a superhero and sending us your photos for us to share.
(All media and nominations will need to be sent to us by Monday 4th May via email to laura.salmon@ymcaworcestershire.org.uk)
Staff and children from all of our nurseries and YMCA sites across Worcestershire will be joining together to make our hero day as SUPER as we can!
This does mean that any content shared to us from you will be shared onto public pages through Tapestry and Facebook as we will merge pages to ensure we are able to share all media efficiently. By uploading your videos, photos and nominations you will be giving permission for these to be shared across all sites on the internet.
We will all be dressing up in superhero costumes, but if you don’t have a costume we will be sharing ideas to make your own at home! These will be shared onto Tapestry and our Facebook page shortly along with some other ideas to help you prepare for #YMCAsuperheroparty.
We hope you will join us in this virtual celebration and have some fun!
We are so excited to share this with you and CELEBRATE how SUPER we all are!
COVID-19 Parent Update

We hope you are all keeping well.
We are continuing to care for children of key workers and are preparing for you all to return once restrictions are lifted.
Some parents have asked about fees for May. We are continuing not to charge parents who are not able to access our services during the current lockdown as a result of Covid-19, We will not invoice parents until they are able to access our services, which is one of the ways we are supporting our families at this difficult time.
I hope your children have enjoyed doing some of the activities staff have suggested on Tapestry, I have seen some of your posts and it is lovely to see the children safe and happy.
We are planning a whole YMCA Worcestershire superhero day on Monday 11th May, more information to follow next week on how you can be involved.
Stay Safe.

COVID-19 Parent Update
See regular Tapestry updates for more activity ideas and share your experiences with us.
If you are a key worker and your circumstances change and you, therefore, require childcare or not please let us know.

COVID-19 Parent Update
Hopefully, you have all had the opportunity to access Tapestry where our staff have and will be sharing ideas for you to do at home with your child(ren). Please remember you can share your experiences from home with us on Tapestry and ask any activity related questions to staff directly through Tapestry, so they can share responses with others.
We are continuing to remain open for children of key workers as specified in current government guidance for educational settings and will inform you if and when this is amended.
Unfortunately, we have been unable to give all the children their Easter eggs as planned due to the sudden change of nursery opening as a result of Covid-19, we will keep them at nursery and give them out once you all return.
We wish you all a "Happy Easter".

COVID-19 Parent Update
Our staff are all currently busy writing reports for all the children at the moment so that we can send you an update on their progress and next steps, as we would usually do during parents consultations in May. This is to help you know what we would be working on with the children while they would usually attend nursery.
These will be uploaded to Tapestry over the next week or so.
Please keep in contact via Tapestry for updates of activities you might like to try at home from your room supervisors and share with us some of the things you are doing too, it's always lovely to see you all.

COVID-19 Parent Update
Firstly we hope you are all well and staying safe during this difficult time.
Thank you for your continued support over this period, we are now in the position to provide you with further guidance on invoices. YMCA Worcestershire has announced today that we will not be charging parents who are not using our services due to closures. Key workers who are still using the services will not face any fee increases during the Covid-19 closures. We ask that all parents pay any balances owed on their accounts up until the end of March.
For those key workers still using our services we request that you inform us by 11am each Thursday for the sessions you require the following week. These will be invoiced and sent to you on a Friday for you to pay weekly in advance.
Many thanks for your patience while we have reviewed this matter.
Stay safe.

COVID-19 Parent Update
With effect from Monday 23rd March 2020 following government and local authority guidance we will only be offering childcare to those parents who have identified themselves as key workers and have received confirmation from the nursery that they can attend.
I appreciate that at this difficult time many of you are keen for information around nursery fees. I am currently collating information around revenue streams we can access to enable us to make a decision regarding fees early next week. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause, but please be assured of our best intentions at all times.
We all look forward to seeing you all again when things return to normal and appreciate your continued support.

COVID-19 Parent Update
Please see below links to the guidance released overnight by the government regarding school and nursery closures and remaining open for key workers (the second link contains a list of key workers).
We are currently only able to provide childcare to families where parents/carers are key workers or children are considered vulnerable as defined in the guidance, on an ongoing basis from Monday.
I appreciate many of you have questions regarding fees, further information regarding this will follow.

COVID-19 Parent Update
We are currently looking into the option of the nursery remaining open to provide childcare for the children of key workers and vulnerable children. At this time we do not have a definitive list of jobs which are classified as ‘key workers’. However, examples of such jobs would include:
NHS staff,
Police and emergency service employees,
Prison officers,
Care-home workers
Delivery drivers,
Pharmacy staff, and
We are awaiting a full list of the jobs considered as key workers and will share this with you as soon as we can.
The nursery is currently developing a plan to provide care for the children of key workers as well as providing ideas for things you could do with children who will remain at home.
Once a full list of key workers is released we are asking the parents who fall into this category to email the nursery with details of their job and the days that you would need your child(ren) to attend the nursery. This will allow us to ensure that there are sufficient staffing levels. If we do not hear from you we will assume that you are keeping your children at home.
If parents want to communicate with the nursery please email and we will respond as quickly as we can. Please only telephone in emergencies as our phone can become very busy and you are not guaranteed to get through.
Thank you for your calm response to this situation and your continued support. We are all doing our very best in a rapidly changing set of circumstances.

COVID-19 Parent Update
Following the latest government advice, we will be remaining open until further notice. However, the following new procedure will now be in place with immediate effect.
• Please do not send your child(ren) into nursery if they have a temperature of 37.8 or above. Children that develop a temperature during their session will need to be collected immediately. Children should remain at home for 7 days.
• Please do not send your child(ren) into nursery if they have developed a new persistent cough. Children should remain at home for 7 days.
We will continue to restrict access to the buildings for parents and visitors, therefore please ring the bell at either front door and a member of staff will greet you.
If you or a member of your household is self-isolating or has contracted COVID-19 please inform us immediately to enable us to take appropriate action.
Please use the link below to access up to date information from the department of health and social care and public health England.
I appreciate that these new measures may cause some inconvenience to parents, but during these uncertain times, we have to follow the government advice, safeguarding children and staff and do everything we can to contain this disease.

COVID-19 Parent Information
In order to minimise the risk of cross-infection please be advised that with immediate effect parents/carers will not be permitted into the nursery.
During morning drop off staff will be waiting to collect your children from the front door of each building for morning pass over and will take your children to their rooms.
On arrival to collect your child(ren) please ring the bell and wait for a member of staff who will organise for your child to be brought to you and pass over will take place at the door.
We do appreciate this may cause some disruption and upset however we feel these measures are necessary to minimise the risk to the children and staff in line with current guidance.
Further information and updates to follow.
We will keep you informed via email and our website of any closures to the nursery, if and when they may be necessary following the department of health and public health England guidance. Currently, the nursery remains open for business as usual.

World Book Day
Parents in Preschool and Striders, we would love for your children to join in the "World Book Day" tradition and dress up as characters from their favourite Story, Traditional Tale or Nursery Rhyme along with the staff to celebrate the wonderful world of children's literature on Thursday 7th March 2020, be as creative as you wish.
We look forward to seeing all their favourite characters.
(Note: Please don't allow your child to bring toy weapons or wear costumes which will encourage fighting).

Local Flooding
Parents, please be aware there are a lot of local road closures in Worcestershire at the moment as a result of storm Dennis, which are likely to be in place all week, We aim to be open for business as usual, however, staff may find it difficult to get in and we would, therefore, need to implement our adverse weather policy and operate on a first-come-first-served basis, if this is the case we will notify you ASAP via email. Where possible please use email correspondence to enable phone lines to be kept clear.
Please also bear in mind road closures and traffic may change throughout the day, so please ensure you allow enough time to arrive safely to collect your children, and notify us ASAP if you are having difficulties in getting to us.

New Kitchen
Today building work started on our new kitchen. As previously notified by email we are having the nursery kitchen refitted and we anticipate this taking 3 weeks.
During this time we will be having food delivered by cupcakes who supply several schools and nurseries in the area. This will mean a change to the menu for these 3 weeks. Menu's available on request.
All allergies and dietary requirements will be catered for as normal.
Once the kitchen is fully operational we will be introducing new menus.

Transfering to iConnect
We will be changing our learning journal provider from Tapestry to iConnect over the next few months, in preparation for this parents will be asked to provide permission for your child's information to be entered onto the system (by completing the permission form in your child's room) this will include all the information you provided on the enrolment as well as permission to upload photo's/video's to yours and others journals as you already have for Tapestry.
The two systems (Tapestry and iConnect) will run alongside each other and we will keep you updated at each stage of the process. The first stage will be inputting the children's information followed by invoicing with learning journals phased in from May.
We have emailed our parent's further information regarding iConnect and its features, however, If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Happy New Year
With the arrival of the new year comes new hopes, new resolutions, new reasons to celebrate love and life, and new reasons to set big goals and work towards achieving them.
Happy New Year!

Photo Day
This Thursday is Photo day. If your child(ren) doesn't normally attend nursery on Thursdays please contact the office for further information on the best time to bring them in if you'd like to have their photo taken.
(They make lovely Christmas presents).

Midlands Childcare Expo
Each year our management team visit the "Childcare Expo" in Coventry, this year we invited our staff team to join us, a group of 6 of us attended in all (Verena, Jannette, Katie, Lucy, Rebecca, and Jemma).
The Expo is a great place to see new and upcoming products available to early years education, experience and try out resources and products first hand and get inspiration. And we didn't come back empty-handed, we picked up some great resources for the rooms which we know the children will all love, however a particular highlight this year for Lucy was holding a baby chick.

Hand in Hand for Oscar
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all so much for your donations this week, the children all looked great in their fancy dress costumes!
With your help, we managed to raise an amazing £470.00 for Oscar, which puts him another step closer to achieving his goal.

Hand in Hand for Oscar
W/C 23/09/2019
Oscar is dear to all our hearts here at Little Treasures as he was once one of our own. Please join us in helping him get the life-saving treatment he requires by donating at least a £1 to wear fancy dress on a day of your choice W/C 23/09/19. You do not need to go to any expense with outfits, its a great opportunity to use your imagination.
Staff will be participating on Friday 27th September.
Thank you for your support.

Our Open Fun Day
Thank you to all of you who attended our Open Fun Day, we had a wonderful time, it was lovely to see so many happy smiling faces, including some new faces, we enjoyed meeting you and showing you around, we couldn't have asked for better weather.
We'd also like to take this moment to thank you for your continued support and for your generous donations this year in honour of "Dementia UK".
Have a lovely rest of the weekend and we'll see you again soon.

Preschool Fun Festival Day
01/07/2019 and 04/07/2019
As a bit of a treat for our Preschoolers, we will be hosting two Fun Festival days for the children to celebrate the ending of their year with us, Monday 1st July and Thursday 4th July.
This day will include:
Mini Sports Day,
Dancing and Musical games,
Fun Fair games,
Face painting,
Picnic, etc.
We, therefore, ask if you could please dress your child in their assigned team colour, and wear appropriate footwear for racing and obstacle courses and the like. We also hope to be outside much of the day so please also ensure you suncream them before arriving.
Please Note: Children only to attend their usual days.

Our Open Fun Day
Please feel free to come along to our open fun day on Saturday 22nd June at 12 o'clock until 2pm, they'll be:
Face painting, glitter tattoos, a Bouncy Castle, an Ice-cream Van, Hotdogs, "Shake Rattle & Groove"(the music Lady), a Treasure Hunt, Huck a Duck, plus other fun activities.
We look forward to seeing you there!

World Book Day Week
W/C 04/03/19
Preschool and Strider rooms would love for your children to join in the World Book Day tradition and dress up as book characters to celebrate the wonderful world of children's literature.
Preschool will be dressing up on:
Tuesday 5th March and Thursday 7th March
Striders will be dressing up on:
Thursday 7th March

Bad Weather Forecast
Due to recent enquiries, I would just like to confirm that we plan to be open as usual tomorrow, if we need to contact you regarding nursery opening or early closure, due to bad weather, this will be done via email and here on this page.
If however, you decide not to bring your child/ren into nursery please could you email to let us know to enable the phone lines to be kept clear.

Happy New Year
What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven’t even happened yet, so here's to a great year ahead for all our families and thank you for sharing your treasured little ones with us as we help enrich their future and share in their delight as they grow and progress.

Winter News
Following the Winter newsletter, we have added the term time dates onto our calendar so you can sync these to your devices so you never have to miss a thing. Please note our term dates may not match other schools, if you need additional days outside of these dates please let us know as soon as possible.
We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Christmas Concert
Tue 04/12/2018 and Thu 06/12/2018
This week in Preschool we have had a very busy and exciting week performing our Christmas Concert for our families. The children were fantastic we were very proud of them and they looked great in their costumes as we went on our "Star Hunt".

Children In Need
W/C 12/11/2018
This week we will be doing lots of different activities with the children to help raise money for Children in Need. Preschool are dressing in their pyjamas Tuesday and Friday and doing lot's of "Hey Duggee" inspired activities as Duggee has joined up with Pudsey this year. There is also the "Duck Race" sweepstake to take part in as well as your generous donations.
Update: Thank you all so much for all your kind donations you helped us raise £127.00

Dates for your diary
Following the Autumn newsletter, we have added the term time dates and other important dates ie. Photo day and Parent Consultations etc. onto our calendar so you can sync these events to your devices so you never have to miss a thing.

Our Open Fun Day
Thank you all for coming to our open day we had a wonderful time and with a special guest appearance from Pepper Pig who joined the music lady.
We offered: Face painting, glitter tattoos, a Bouncy Castle, an Ice-cream Van, Hotdogs, "Shake Rattle & Groove"(the music Lady), a Treasure Hunt, Huck a Duck, plus other fun activities.
We look forward to doing it all again next year!

Nursery Update
Please be advised we are open currently with only five staff, more are hoping to get in, carpark is very snowy, but clearer near the ramp so please pull up there to drop off and collect your child. To reiterate we will be closing at the latest 4pm.
If you will not be attending the setting please email us to keep the phone lines clear, if your child doesn't need to be in nursery please don't bring them.
Note Preschool is closed, Preschool children are to come to the main building.
Take care and stay safe!

Amber Weather Warning
At this time, 6pm Thursday 01/03/18, we are aiming to be open tomorrow. We will be following the weather forecast closely and observing the ever-changing conditions, however, it's not looking great and local roads are becoming treacherous.
Our staff will do everything they can to make it in tomorrow, but please be aware that delays are possible. We, therefore, ask that if your child really doesn't need to attend nursery then please stay safe at home.
The Met Office has issued an Amber Weather Warning for "Heavy snow. The snow will be accompanied by very strong easterly winds leading to blizzards and considerable drifting. From Thursday evening some places could also see ice build-up due to freezing rain, mainly across southwest England. Long delays and cancellations of public transport seem very likely. Some roads may become blocked by deep snow, stranding vehicles and passengers. Long interruptions to power supplies and other utilities are likely to occur, along with possible damage to trees and other structures due to heavy snow or ice".
Please also be aware that the carpark will be extremely icy so do take care!

Amber Warning - Snow/Ice
At this time, 6pm Wednesday 28/02/18, we are aiming to be open tomorrow. We will be following the weather forecast closely and observing the ever-changing conditions.
As you know, we have previously been able to open thanks to the effort of our staff making their way in, regardless of the bad weather conditions. Tomorrow Thursday 1st March the Met Office has issued a both Yellow and Amber Weather Warnings for "Heavy snow showers expected during Thursday. There is the potential for travel delays roads, with some stranded vehicles and passengers, as well as delays or cancellations to rail and air travel. Some rural communities could become cut off. Power cuts may also occur and other services, such as mobile phones, may be affected, Temperatures are not expected to exceed -3 degrees Celcius".
Please also be aware that the carpark will be extremely icy so take it slow and steady.
Stay safe and we'll see you all soon.

Happy New Year
New years marks a new beginning, new people to meet, new adventures to enjoy and new memories to create, Here's wishing you a very happy new year!

Yellow Warning - Ice
As you know, we were able to open today thanks to the effort of our staff, regardless of the bad weather conditions, making their way in. Tomorrow Tuesday 12th December the Met Office has issued a "Yellow Warning - Ice: Dry overnight with largely clear skies, although a few freezing fog patches may form. With light winds, there will be another widespread and severe frost with a risk of ice for many. Minimum temperature -12 °C." We are open however, we ask you please to try to collect your children before dark as the temperatures are plummeting and we want to ensure everyone, including our staff, make it home safely. Please also be aware that the carpark will be extremely icy in the morning so take it slow and steady.
Stay safe and we'll see you all soon.

Children in Need 2017
13/11/2017 - 17/11/17
We would like to thank everyone for their kind donations and in helping us raise money for the Children in Need, while enjoying all the fun activities!

Our Open Fun Day
Please feel free to come along to our open fun day on Saturday 24th June at 12 o'clock until 2pm, they'll be:
Face painting, glitter tattoos, a Bouncy Castle, an Ice-cream Van, Hotdogs, "Shake Rattle & Groove"(the music Lady), a Treasure Hunt, Huck a Duck, plus other fun activities.
We look forward to seeing you there!

World book day
To celebrate world book day, on Thursday 2nd March, Preschool are going to be dressing up as our favourite book character and would love you to join in. There will be a prize for the best dressed!
We look forward to seeing everyone's costumes and learning who their favourite characters are :)

Happy New Year
On this New Year, we look back on all the warm memories we've shared and feel proud of your children's achievements. We hope to have another year filled with endless fun and laughter.
Happy New Year!
Santa comes to town!
Today Santa took time out of his busy schedule to come and visit all the boys and girls in nursery and Preschool bringing them all a special Christmas gift and treat!
We were all very excited and the Preschool children enjoyed talking to him about what they would like for Christmas before singing two songs from their Christmas concert for him, which he liked very much.
Take care everyone over the Christmas Holidays, have some wonderful family time and we will see you all in the new year.
Merry Christmas
Visiting the Reindeer
Weekends this December 2016
Feel free to use our car park at the weekends this December if you are visiting the "Real Reindeer" at St. Peters Garden Centre. We look forward to hearing all about it and parents don't forget to upload your pictures on to Tapestry.
A special thank you to St. Peters Garden Centre for donating us our lovely real 6ft Christmas Tree. We will be decorating it on Monday and it will stand pride of place in our entrance hall way.

Children in Need 2016
14/11/2016 - 18/11/16
We would like to thank everyone for their kind donations and in helping us raise money for the Children in Need, while enjoying all the fun activities!
Ofsted Inspection
We are pleased to announce we have achieved a "Good" grading following our recent Ofsted inspection.

Norton Road Closure
Please note there will be a week long road closure from the A4440 to Taylors Lane W/C 15/08/15 as identified on the map.
Diversion routes have been set up and pedestrian access will still be available.
Delays are however expected so please take this into account when planning your route to and from the nursery.

Our Open Fun Day
Please feel free to come along to our open fun day on Saturday 25th June at 12 o'clock until 2pm, they'll be:
Face painting, Bouncy Castles, an Ice-cream Van, Hotdogs, "Shake Rattle & Groove", a Treasure Hunt, and even special guests Spider Man and Pepper Pig plus other fun activities.
We look forward to seeing you there!

Royal Mail
Today Preschool recieved a very special letter from Buckingham Palace!
We were all very excited to open it to reveal a thank you from the Queen for her birthday card we made her.
It made our day :)

Preschool Celebrate with the Queen
Preschool enjoyed celebrating the Queen's 90th Birthday today, we made her majesty a birthday card and walked to the local post box to post it, we wore fancy dress with a royal theme, we played party games, made glitzy crowns, had a tea party in the garden and even had a go at building Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle in our construction area. A great day had by all!

Sports Relief Week
We have all enjoyed taking part in multi-sport activities this week in order to raise money for Sports Relief.
Thank you for your support!

Our Pinterest Page
Visit our Pinterest page by typing the following address into your browser bar https://uk.pinterest.com/ltreasuresco/ or by clicking on the Pinterest button bellow. We will be updating it regularly with interesting links and ideas.

Happy New Year!
We would like to wish you all a very "Happy New Year" let's hope 2016 is a healthy and prosperous one for everyone.